In some case the buyer will request supplier to provide GS certification for qualifying their products. But do you know what had been tested before supplier got GS certification? Let us have a brief view on a GS test report.
In the beginning of a GS report you should pay attention to following points.
- If the manufacture name is the supplier you are talking to?
- If the report covers the part you are going to buy?
- If the report is still valid? The normal validity time is 5 years.
- If the test pass or not?

Then you can go to the materials. No matter what materials the manufacture uses, as long as they pass the test, they are in line with GS standard.

After that you can see the lashing capacity which is declared by manufacture. You can check whether the product you are going to buy meets your needs.

The test covers corrosion resistance & resistance to weather. The test requirements are as the following table.

The most important thing of the test is strength test. The first of this part is to assess the elastic with fittings, breaking force and stretch limit according to the lashing capacity declared by manufacturer. For the breaking force, it should be no break occurs under 2 times of lashing capacity. For the stretch limit, the strap must not break until reach the stretch limit.
Then the tensile strength will be assessed. A failure is when a permanent deformation occurred by visual test.
The third part is to assess the total length under lashing capacity. Result should be got satisfied elongation.
The fourth part is endurance test. The method is in 10000 load change with 1.25 lashing capacity, no sudden failure should occur. The product should functional after the test.
GS test report also covers check for product label. Below information should be in the label.

Also, safety information should be on the product.

More test for label is as below.

GS standard requests product should have operation instruction. It could be displayed on anywhere such as insert, head card or outside of gift box for single piece or pack. The instruction should written in local/official language and should include following information.

Now we already go through a GS report for a bungee strap. Hope this article can help you to have further understand of how we qualify our product. Feel free to contact if you have any further question.